News and Events
We'll keep you all updated with all the latest news, developments and events from Lappa Valley on this page.
Penhaligon’s Friends Teddy Bear Fun Day
22nd September 2024
Join us and our charity of the year Penhaligon's Friends for a Teddy Bear Fun Day at Lappa Valley.
Zebedee Running Weekend
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September 2024
Your chance to ride behind Zebedee, our flagship engine
Lappa Valley celebrates 50 years with one of the biggest galas ever hosted
A valley on the outskirts of St Newlyn East echoed with the jubilant sounds of whistles and horns this weekend, as one of Cornwall’s most loved attractions celebrated a milestone birthday.
Lappa Valley to celebrate 50th with biggest gala weekend ever hosted
One of Cornwall’s most loved attractions will be celebrating its 50th birthday in style, with one of the biggest gala weekends its ever hosted.
Our 7¼ inch gauge locomotive Victoria is converted to battery power
As electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity, Lappa Valley has embraced the same technology to help improve their carbon footprint.